

Welcome !

My name is Jennifer. I have always really loved pictures but have just recently discovered my love for photography. I enjoy photographing just about anything so there is a random assortment of people, animals, plant life, and whatever catches my eye on here! I am also currently doing a project that requires I take at least one picture a day. I hope to push myself to learn and try new things!

August 29, 2009

Sometimes you just need to take a break, ya know?

I have been feeling kind of down about my photography lately, and it has definitely made me fall behind. I have decided that my "Picture a Day" project has served its purpose and I am having a hard time keeping up with it. Maybe someday I will pick it up again when I am feeling inspired , but for now I will just share whatever speaks to me. Just random whatever-ness. Oh, and pictures of people!

I have a couple families that I plan on taking pictures for in the next couple weeks, but if anyone else I know wants pictures, let me know! I need all the practice I can get!





Thanks for visiting!

About Me

My photo
I'm a 29 year old wife and mommy, but that's not my identity! I love photography and reading and sometimes cooking. I love pictures, and that's why you'll see the covers of books posted as large as I can get away with. I'm silly and quirky and I like to think I'm generally a nice person. Welcome to my blog!

Thanks for looking!


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