

Welcome !

My name is Jennifer. I have always really loved pictures but have just recently discovered my love for photography. I enjoy photographing just about anything so there is a random assortment of people, animals, plant life, and whatever catches my eye on here! I am also currently doing a project that requires I take at least one picture a day. I hope to push myself to learn and try new things!

August 17, 2009

Day One Hundred Fifty Eight

I am happy with a few of the fireworks shots I got on the Fourth of July. They are hard to get a decent picture of!

One Hundred Fifty Nine

One Hundred Sixty

Super cute belly button.

One Hundred Sixty One

They just melt my heart.

One Hundred Sixty Two

From our second anniversary dinner at Melting Pot!

One Hundred Sixty Three

One Hundred Sixty Four

This is my family's kitty, Ginger. We have had her since I was in middle school. She is such an old lady now.

One Hundred Sixty Five

Since it is so difficult to get a decent picture of Ginger, I am posting two of them. I LOVE this one.





Thanks for visiting!

About Me

My photo
I'm a 29 year old wife and mommy, but that's not my identity! I love photography and reading and sometimes cooking. I love pictures, and that's why you'll see the covers of books posted as large as I can get away with. I'm silly and quirky and I like to think I'm generally a nice person. Welcome to my blog!

Thanks for looking!


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